Springtime Cleanup
The cold days have gone, the skies have cleared and the sun is shining. Spring is the perfect time to get outside, reassess your property and start getting on top of any maintenance you haven’t been able to get to over the winter months.
With the fire season only a couple of months away, now is the time to get rid of excess fuel around your property so you don’t put yourself at risk – plus you can take advantage of doing work before any fire bans start. Here are some tips to get you started.
- Grab a rake, a pruning saw, some secateurs, a bucket and a pair gloves. Start on one side of your garden and work across the yard. Then work clockwise around your house and other buildings starting at the front entrance. Make sure you go over all areas of your landscape so you don’t miss plants.
- Begin by tackling the larger plants, whether trees or shrubs. First cut or saw out all branches that are dead, broken, touching or crossing. Then, if necessary, trim for shape. From the larger trees and shrubs, move onto smaller growing plants, such as ornamental grasses (which you will be cutting to the ground), roses, herbs, perennials, ground covers etc. If you haven’t pulled out the annuals that were planted last year now is the time to remove them.
- Once all plants have been pruned, shaped and otherwise cleaned up in an area, rake the clippings. By cleaning up an area completely, if you have to stop that day before finishing, you can begin with a new area the next time and you don’t have to back track.
Spring is a beautiful time of year – so enjoy it in your garden, particularly if you are in Melbourne’s western suburbs.