Looking for Stump Removal Melbourne Western Suburbs?

Tree and stump removal are a vital part of landscape management – providing they are carried out by skilled arborists who know the practical and legals aspects of each job. With more than 20 years experience in the business as well as keeping up to date with latest regulations, we know the best and most efficient way to remove stumps.

A tree is not removed until the stump is removed. If it is left in the ground it may regrow or it may decay attracting unwanted fungus to your garden or the surrounding area of the tree. We us purpose-built stump grinding machines to turn the stump into mulch so you can replant, returf or even build over the area.

Rural Stump Removal Central Victoria – Ballarat and Bendigo

Stump removal is as important in open, rural spaces as in built up areas. We can remove a stump in an open space if you need to clear an area or even a smaller one near your house. Call us for your stump removal job. We are the experts and will come to you throughout Melbourne’s west and central Victoria.